I did this on my phone, so I hope it comes out properly.1. Character Name: Fountaiin
2. Class/Race/Professions: Enchant/JC Tauren Druid
3. Armory Page: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Deathwing&n=Fountaiin
4. Please specify your experience regarding each of the following periods of content. (Level 60 - Pre BC, Level 70 - Burning Crusade, Level 80 - Etc.)
Vanilla: ZG/MC/BWL
BC: Up to and including Brutallus
WotLK: Up to Anub
5. Screen shot of your UI:
6. Link to your guild's WWS and/or explanation of your classes preferred stats for your spec/specs and rotation/ability priority.
I spam rejuv real good sir. I promise.
7. Can you make all of our raid times?: (9pm - 12am MST server Monday - Thursday)
Starting Friday night/Saturday yes, that's when I'll have access to a real computer for good :-).
8. Previous Guild(s) and why you left: Insomnia, This is How We Reroll, Flawless Victory, Shadow Templars (Bradwan was a whiny bitch)
Left for personal reasons in which Smier/Bub know about
9: What is your in-game financial situation? Are you able to buy the best enchants, flasks and gems? If you are planning on putting 85 AP on your new hard-mode weapon, we don't want you in our guild.
I'm not Skywalker in disguise, if that's what you're thinking. [I believe that was his name?]
10: What are you looking for in a guild and what are your expectations for your fellow guild members.
According to E-Harmony, me and Lmaonaise are a match made in heaven.
11: Are you available outside of raids, before or after and for how long? We value 10 mans. Not only because there are good upgrades, but we are able to work together and practice as a group towards further progress.
For shizzle my nizzle.
12. Any other information you would like to include, about yourself, such as age, where you live, etc, and about your character and/or why you think Absolution would be a good fit:
Long walks on the beach, etc.
13. Connection and computer specs that you use to play:
I play Warcraft on my Ipod Touch.
14. Contact information: 250-552-7104 ripxsabbath@gmail.com
I'm more than content with just being a sit in when you guys need me, if that's all you have room for. I'm moving back into the rents' Friday night and will be on 24/7, even if it's just as a friend status. <3
My gear is a bit outdated, but should be fixed in a week or two.
I used to have the #1 wow-heroes score on all of deathwing before I had to quit! :'(
I have a feral set, although I tank about as well as Tiger Woods stays loyal to his wife.